Webmaster tools now has fetch as Google feature. With this feature you can index your URLs to Google in less time.After submitting URL for fetching, Google bot crawls the URL,Within few hours, your URL will get included in Google index. But, Google doesn't guarantee that they will index every URL you submit.They uses the same process for indexing URLs by fetch as Google and those URLs that are discovered by Google bot naturally. The only difference between them is fetch as Google is much faster than normal one.This new functionality is very useful if you have created a new website and you want to index it very quickly or if you have added some new pages in your website and want them to appear in search results. you can also submit URLs that are already indexed o Google to refresh them and re index them. This new functionality is superb improvement in Google webmaster tools.
How to submit a URL
To know how to submit a URL to Google index, please watch the video tutorial given below. For submitting a utl, you need to have a Google webmasters account and a verified site. From Google webmaster tools you can easily fetch your URLs and put them to index on Google.Submit a Public URL to Google
You can also submit a URL for indexing even if you don't have verified your site or even if you don't own a site. For adding a Public URL to index on Google, visit crawl URL form.
Google bot is already very good in finding new URLs but, it takes some time to index new URLs on Google. But if you want to speedup this process then i would recommend you to use fetch as Google feature in Google webmaster tools. Watch The video tutorial given to know how to use fetch as Google to effectively index you URLs in less time.
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