The Blog Contains Information About Blogging. It has Blogger Widgets, templates and Much More About Blogging.

Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Today we are going to share some tools that people use tool others, This time it is adsense fake image report generator tool. Next time when someone shows you adsense earning image report then make sure to check it is not fake. Many spammers and publishers create fake earning reports to fool people and tell people that they are earning tons of bucks each day. Most of them are fake. We are also going to tell you how you can create fake adsense reports manually.

Ehowportal Google Adsense Money Generator

Fake Adsense Money Generator tool is quite old but, still it works. It can be used to generate fake reports but, these reports are generated using old adsense interface. You need to fill in following things in it:
  1. Today so far
  2. Yesterday
  3. This month so far
  4. Last month
  5. Next payment
  6. Most recent payment

After filling this information, you need to click on submit button. After pressing submit button, it automatically creates an image that looks real but, actually it is fake. Now, you just need to save the image and upload it on your social profiles.

So this was just a short list of fake tools to create fake reports, next time be aware when someone shows you his earning report. Watch the video tutorial given below to know how this tool works.

Hactrix Tool

Hactrix Tool is not updated since a long time. It generates reports that are in oldest adsense interface. We do not recommend you to use this tool because adsense is changed so much now any one can easily detect that the reports are fake and user generated.

How To Create Fake Adsense Earning Image Reports Manually

There is another way to generate fake adsense report if you know about html editing. You can edit the html source and you can edit whatever you want. Inside Google chrome and Mozilla Firefox, you just need to right click on the webpage and select inspect element. After selecting this you can see its html source. Now make changes in this html source, change the html source as you like. After doing generate a snapshot of the webpage, Now save the image with any extension you like and upload this on social networking site such as Facebook or Google Plus.

For creating reports manually, you need an internet browser and image editing tools like Photoshop or windows paint.

The best thing about this method is you don't need to depend on any external tool, you can create your own reports and customize them as you want. Watch the video given below to know how to do this with Google chrome.

Our goal is to spread awareness and to tell people how they can differentiate in between real adsense earning reports and fake adsense earning reports. Be aware next time when someone tries to fool you and please help us to spread our voice by sharing this post as much as possible.
Posted by John Peter on 03:44 | No comments | Categories: , ,

Monday, 30 December 2013

Block All The Advertisements In Google Chrome
Ad block plus is a free tool to block all the advertisements in Google chrome, it is also available in Firefox and other. We recommend you to add this widget in your browser to block harmful advertisements. Some advertisement networks spread irrelevant ads including adult content and pornographic ads. These ads are harmful for children and most of them are made to fool you. That's why you should block them. Advertisements also suck your bandwidth and waste your internet data and increase your internet bills.  After adding this extension to Google chrome, you don't need to worry about them. It will automatically block advertisements from all the websites. It also blocks YouTube video ads in some amounts. We already have uploaded a video on How to block all the advertisements in Google chrome.

One of the biggest reason that people are using Firefox is that, it supports millions of great extensions that Google chrome doesn't supports. Now Chrome is increasing its extensibility and adding great extensions in chrome web store. There is another way to block advertisements in Google chrome using privoxy, you can also try that
You can watch the video to know more. It also provides an option to exclude websites, so you can run adverts on your own website.
Posted by John Peter on 12:04 | No comments | Categories: , , ,

Saturday, 28 December 2013

How To Remove ProRat Trojan From Your Computer
ProRat is windows based backdoor trojan horse that can destroy your computer. If your computer gets infected by this back-door trojan then it is almost impossible to remove so today we are writing a blog post on removing this trojan from your computer. ProRat is one of the most powerful Trojans and it can be used to take control over host pc. When your computer gets infected by ProRat trojan, it modifies some files present in windows directory. ProRat server installer infects your computer and opens up a port to allow client to connect to the computer and take control over it. It doesn't works on WAN but it works perfectly on LAN. Any computer that is infected by ProRat and connected to the internet can be controlled using ProRat.

Harmful Features Of ProRat Trojan:

  1. ProRat itself can be used as a key logger that can be used to record keystrokes.
  2. A client can access all the files present in that computer and also he can modify them.
  3. ProRat can be used to run batch commands as well as Visual basic scripts.
  4. ProRat can be used to create administrator account on target pc.
  5. ProRat can directly open up a remote desktop connection.
  6. ProRat can capture screenshots.
  7. ProRat can used for file transfer.
  8. ProRat can download and run any application present on the internet stealthy.
  9. ProRat hides itself from msconfig.
  10. ProRat hides itself from startup.
  11. ProRat Kills antivirus software when a ProRat server is installed.
  12. ProRat have a password protection for each sever so it can't be used by anyone else
  13. ProRat can be binded with other files

How To Remove ProRat Trojan

It is almost impossible to remove a ProRat server from your computer until you have have up o date antivirus software. Please watch the video tutorial given below to know how to remove ProRat Trojan from your computer. Watch this video on YouTube: How To Remove ProRat Trojan From Your Computer

Posted by John Peter on 13:04 | No comments | Categories: , , ,

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

All mIRC Commands/ Recalls the previous command entered in the current window.
/! Recalls the last command typed in any window.
/ action {action text} Sends the specifed action to the active channel or query window.
/add [-apuce] {filename.ini} Loads aliases, popups, users, commands, and events.
/ame {action text} Sends the specifed action to all channels which you are currently on.
/amsg {text} Sends the specifed message to all channels which you are currently on.
/auser {level} {nick|address} Adds a user with the specified access level to the remote users

/auto [on|off|nickname|address] Toggles auto-opping of a nick or address or sets it on or off
/away {away message} Sets you away leave a message explaining that you are not currently paying
attention to IRC.
/away Sets you being back.
/ban [#channel] {nickname} [type] Bans the specified nick from the curent or given channel.
/beep {number} {delay} Locally beeps 'number' times with 'delay' in between the beeps.

/channel Pops up the channel central window (only works in a channel).
/clear Clears the entire scrollback buffer of the current window.
/ctcp {nickname} {ping|finger|version|time|userinfo|clientinfo} Does the given ctcp request on
/closemsg {nickname} Closes the query window you have open to the specified nick.
/creq [ask | auto | ignore] Sets your DCC 'On Chat request' settings in DCC/Options.
/dcc send {nickname} {file1} {file2} {file3} ... {fileN} Sends the specified files to nick.
/dcc chat {nickname} Opens a dcc window and sends a dcc chat request to nickname.
/describe {#channel} {action text} Sends the specifed action to the specified channel window.
/dde [-r] {service} {topic} {item} [data] Allows DDE control between mIRC and other
/ddeserver [on [service name] | off] To turn on the DDE server mode, eventually with a given
service name.
/disable {#groupname} De-activates a group of commands or events.
/disconnect Forces a hard and immediate disconnect from your IRC server. Use it with care.
/dlevel {level} Changes the default user level in the remote section.
/dns {nickname | IP address | IP name} Uses your providers DNS to resolve an IP address.
/echo [nickname|#channel|status] {text} Displays the given text only to YOU on the given place
in color N.
/enable {#groupname} Activates a group of commands or events.
/events [on|off] Shows the remote events status or sets it to listening or not.
/exit Forces mIRC to closedown and exit.
/finger Does a finger on a users address.
/flood [{numberoflines} {seconds} {pausetime}] Sets a crude flood control method.
/fsend [on|off] Shows fsends status and allows you to turn dcc fast send on or off.
/fserve {nickname} {maxgets} {homedirectory} [welcome text file] Opens a fileserver.
/guser {level} {nick} [type] Adds the user to the user list with the specified level and
address type.
/help {keyword} Brings up the Basic IRC Commands section in the mIRC help file.
/ignore [on|off|nickname|address] Toggles ignoring of a nick or address or sets it on or off
/invite {nickname} {#channel} Invites another user to a channel.
/join {#channel} Makes you join the specified channel.
/kick {#channel} {nickname} Kicks nickname off a given channel.
/list [#string] [-min #] [-max #] Lists all currently available channels, evt. filtering for
/log [on|off] Shows the logging status or sets it on or off for the current window.
/me {action text} Sends the specifed action to the active channel or query window.
/mode {#channel|nickname} [[+|-]modechars [parameters]] Sets channel or user modes.
/msg {nickname} {message} Send a private message to this user without opening a query window.
/names {#channel} Shows the nicks of all people on the given channel.
/nick {new nickname} Changes your nickname to whatever you like.
/notice {nick} {message} Send the specified notice message to the nick.
/notify [on|off|nickname] Toggles notifying you of a nick on IRC or sets it on or off totally.
/onotice [#channel] {message} Send the specified notice message to all channel ops.
/omsg [#channel] {message} Send the specified message to all ops on a channel.
/part {#channel} Makes you leave the specified channel.
/partall Makes you leave all channels you are on.
/ping {server address} Pings the given server. NOT a nickname.
/play [-c] {filename} [delay] Allows you to send text files to a window.
/pop {delay} [#channel] {nickname} Performs a randomly delayed +o on a not already opped nick.
/protect [on|off|nickname|address] Toggles protection of a nick or address or sets it on or off
/query {nickname} {message} Open a query window to this user and send them the private message.
/quit [reason] Disconnect you from IRC with the optional byebye message.
/raw {raw command} Sends any raw command you supply directly to the server. Use it with care!!
/remote [on|off] Shows the remote commands status or sets it to listening or not.
/rlevel {access level} Removes all users from the remote users list with the specified access
/run {c:\path\program.exe} [parameters] Runs the specified program, evt. with parameters.
/ruser {nick[!]|address} [type] Removes the user from the remote users list.
/save {filename.ini} Saves remote sections into a specified INI file.
/say {text} Says whatever you want to the active window.
/server [server address [port] [password]] Reconnects to the previous server or a newly
specified one.
/sound [nickname|#channel] {filename.wav} {action text} Sends an action and a fitting sound.
/speak {text} Uses the external text to speech program Monologue to speak up the text.
/sreq [ask | auto | ignore] Sets your DCC 'On Send request' settings in DCC/Options.
/time Tells you the time on the server you use.
/timer[N] {repetitions} {interval in seconds} {command} [| {more commands}] Activates a timer.
/topic {#channel} {newtopic} Changes the topic for the specified channel.
/ulist [{|}]{level} Lists all users in the remote list with the specified access levels.
/url [-d] Opens the URL windows that allows you to surf the www parallel to IRC.
/uwho [nick] Pops up the user central with information about the specified user.
/who {#channel} Shows the nicks of all people on the given channel.
/who {*address.string*} Shows all people on IRC with a matching address.
/whois {nickname} Shows information about someone in the status window.
/whowas {nickname} Shows information about someone who -just- left IRC.
/wavplay {c:\path\sound.wav} Locally plays the specified wave file.
/write [-cidl] {filename} [text] To write the specified text to a .txt file.
MoViEBoT #xdcc-help /server
We strive to make IRC easier for you!

Stay Connected....................
Posted by John Peter on 02:33 | No comments | Categories:
imageWant To Download Torrent File By Using Google
Simple way...just type:
*ur file name* filetype:torrent
You must not write ( * ) when you search....
ANTIVIRUS KASPERSKY filetype:torrent

Stay Connected.....................
Posted by John Peter on 02:32 | No comments | Categories: , , , ,
New PC or New MotherboardIf you don't want to spend big bucks on a new PC, consider upgrading your old system's motherboard and CPU. This can boost the machine's performance and give you access to the latest technologies. It can also save you hundreds of dollars.
What you won't get is a new hard drive, optical drive, or operating system, though the new motherboard gives you the option of upgrading these components later. When you do it yourself, you choose the make, model, and cost that serve you best, rather than settling for what's preloaded in an off-the-shelf machine.
For as little as $200 to $350, you can purchase a motherboard with a new Pentium 4 or Athlon processor and 512MB of RAM. (Visit this link to check the latest motherboard prices.) That's hundreds of dollars less than the retail cost of a midrange PC that supports AGP 8X graphics cards, Serial ATA drives, and the other advanced features that your new motherboard is likely to offer.
Motherboard Buyers Guide

Size matters: Most desktop PCs sold in the last few years conform to the ATX form factor (as do most motherboards), but not all do. Many small or ultrabudget systems are based on other designs, and some PCs from HP/Compaq, IBM, and other big-name vendors aren't ATX-compatible. Refer to your computer's documentation to see if the new motherboard will fit inside its case.
Find the right CPU: The optimal combination of CPU price and performance may lead you to early versions of Athlon XP and Pentium 4 processors: Retail boxed versions of 1- to 2-GHz AMD Athlon XP processors cost less than $100, while Pentium 4 processors running at comparable speeds are less than $130. OEM versions of both (that's minus the fancy box, the cooling fan, and sometimes a warranty) may be priced considerably lower. Avoid older Pentium 4 processors with 256KB of L2 cache. CPUs with 512KB cache are faster and well worth the small added expense.
Be picky: Steer clear of no-name vendors and buy from established manufacturers only.
Pay for power: Your old PC's power supply may not have enough wattage or may lack the 12-volt amperage needed to run some Pentium 4 and Athlon motherboards. Check the new motherboard's requirements against the specs on your power supply. If in doubt, buy a power supply that generates 300 watts or more,
Faster is better: A motherboard's frontside bus speed is the rate at which data moves between the CPU and RAM. FSB speed can have a greater effect on overall system performance than listed CPU speed, which is a multiple of the FSB speed. The faster the FSB, the better.
Get it all: Your new motherboard needs PCI slots and USB ports, two UltraATA/100 connectors, parallel and serial ports (if you use these), and at least two DIMM slots for RAM (DDR RAM is best). For a little extra money, you can get Serial ATA, ethernet, RAID, FireWire, Wi-Fi, and other advanced features.
Sight and sound off: Some low-cost motherboards have sound and graphics functions built in. The quality of these integrated functions is often marginal. Make sure that any built-in sound and graphics can be disabled, and that separate audio and graphics boards can be added.
Minimize Your Mousing
For people in a hurry, every unnecessary mouse movement is an aggravation. Windows 2000, Me, and XP let you set the pointer to automatically move to commonly used buttons in dialog boxes. Click Start, Settings, Control Panel (or Start, Control Panel in XP), and click or double-click Mouse (choose "Printers and Other Hardware" first if you're in XP's Categories view, or "View all Control Panel options" if you're in Me's "commonly used" view). Now select Pointer Options, check the box labeled "Automatically move pointer to the default button in a dialog box" (the option's wording varies slightly in Windows 2000), and click OK.

Stay Connected...............................
Posted by John Peter on 02:31 | No comments | Categories: ,
imageSpeed up Mozilla Firefox
1. Type "about :config" in the adress field.
2. Set the value of network.http.pipelining to "true".
3. Set the value of network.http.pipelining.maxrequests to "100".
4. Set the value of network.http.proxy.pipelining to "true"
5. Set the value of nglayout.initialpaint.delay to "0" (not availible in newer versions)

stay connected....................
Posted by John Peter on 02:30 | No comments | Categories: ,
imageHi frndzzzz,
Another good way of finding MP3s (or other formats) is using Google and typing the following:
parent + directory + mp3 + OR + wma+ #dido#
Replace #dido# by whatever artist you wish to find, for example:
parent + directory + mp3 + OR + wma+ #Lamb#
You should get plenty of dirs with MP3s or WMA files (you could add OGG, etc, to the query). Cheers.

Stay Connected............
Posted by John Peter on 02:29 | No comments | Categories: ,
Tip To Shutdown Windowsuse this in emergency
Try to open:
Run -> cmb -> shutdown -a
This prevent the shutdown.
create a new shortcut.. then write;
shutdown -s -t 0 = this is for shut down in 0 seconds (t = time s=shutdown)
shutdown -r -t 0 = same but this is for restart comp. in 0 seconds..
(only for windows xp)
in win.98 this is different; we were wrote rundll32.exe -s or something like this..i couldnt remember right now..

Stay Connected..............
Posted by John Peter on 02:28 | No comments | Categories: , , , ,

Keep Folders Hidden In Windows1)create a new folder somewhere on your hard drive

2)when you name it hold down "Alt" and press "0160" this will create and invisible space so it will apper as if it has no name.

3)then right click in and select "Properties" select the tab "coustimize" and select "change icon" scroll along and you should a few blanc spaces click on any one and click ok when you hav saved the settings the folder will be invisible to hide all your personal files

Stay Connected..................
Posted by John Peter on 02:27 | No comments | Categories: , ,
Search As Expert for Easy DownloadingHi frndzzzzz, Again this is similar to last one but little bit different........
If ure searching for something to download in google u can use this little trick. Mostly it works. Try typing this:
parent + directory + anything u wanna download
but if u wanna download anything special u can specify.
parent + directory + games + whatever
dunno if it will work for you all but for me it works quite good sometimes

Stay Connected.....................
Posted by John Peter on 02:26 | No comments | Categories: , ,
Way to optimize DSL-CABLE Connection SpeedFirst, u need to goto Start, then run. Type in regedit in the box. Next, goto the folder HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\VxD\MSTCP
Now, find the string DefaultRcvWindow . Now, edit the number to 64240 then restart your computer. There you go. High speed cable modem now with out dloading a program. Original value is 373360

Stay connected..................

Posted by John Peter on 02:25 | No comments | Categories: ,
Fix Windows Installer problemsDo you experience this kind of problem whenever you attempt to install an application in windows box (2k, xp)?
"The Windows Installer service could not be accessed. This can occur if you are running Windows in safe mode, or if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personnel for assistance."
The MS website knowledge article 324516 gives 2 methods as a way of fixing this problem, but you might be very lucky if any of the 2 fixes the problem, allot of guys end up formatting their systems and doing fresh windows installations or try wired ways of fixing it.

Well, the solution is very easy:
1. right click your root windows installation drive i.e drive where you installed windows
2. click properties at the bottom
3. select security tab
4. click Add and scroll down to SYSTEM account click add and click OK.
5. allow Full control permission and click Apply and then Ok.
This should solve your problem with windows installer.
Stay Connected..............

Posted by John Peter on 01:57 | No comments | Categories: , , ,
Add Your Own Windows TipsAre you sick of seeing the same tips again and again when you first logon to Windows? Now you can change them to whatever you want, whether it's quotes, jokes or a to-do list, anything is possible.
Open your registry and find the key below.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Explorer\ Tips
Create a new string valued named by incrementing the existing value names and set it to the required tip text.
eg. 32 - Don't forget to Visit

Stay Connected........................
Posted by John Peter on 01:56 | No comments | Categories: , , ,

Monday, 2 December 2013

Best Jobs in International Market for SEO ProfessionalsSearch Engine Optimization in shorts we called it SEO and with the advent of Google in 1999, a new professional term started being used more commonly; Search Engine Optimization. An industry still in its teens, Search has revolutionized the various marketing functions of every business. The drivers of this revolution are professionals who sit at the intersection of marketing and technology, know by the name of Search Engine Optimizers or Specialists or Experts.
The internet is a bouquet of wonderful opportunities. It has spanned so many new careers that it is now even hard to imagine a world without it. Billion dollar industry owe their existence to the web and online marketing is just one of those industries that will now exist until the end of the internet. SEO or Search Engine Optimizer is one profession that has become synonymous with digital marketing. There are plenty of blogs cropping up everyday talking about the importance of a search engine optimization for any online business.  The truth is not very different. Every business that seeks online presence must have some sort of online marketing strategy in place. Doing SEO of your company’s website has been just one of the most important parts of that strategy.

What SEO is all About ?

You must be already aware of the importance of having a website for your business in the always connected digital era. With the explosion of mobile devices that are internet enabled such as Smartphones, tablets and convertibles, a consumer wants to have an anytime-anywhere access to every kind of information and service available through the web. For the same the first requirement is to have an online presence and second and equally important requirement is to have a visible online presence. In the internet-lingo a visible presence denotes the ability of a website to appear in the top search results. Each internet user is aware of the ubiquitous search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. A SEO’s task is to bring your website within the top search results of these search engines. With Google being the prominent search engine used by internet citizens across the world, SEO has become predominantly a Google-powered industry. So next time you come across a professional calling himself SEO, think about Google and the search results you see in return of your queries.
The online marketing industry is so deeply intertwined that one professional can easily assay a role of other after some preliminary training. It is this deep interconnection that a SEO has different job titles in different companies given for the same set of responsibilities. Whether it is SEO Analyst, SEO Manager, SEO Copywriter, Link Builder or Keyword Strategist these all are the names for a subset of professionals belonging to the same superset i.e. Online marketing. With slight variations in the responsibilities and salaries, these professionals are employed in different digital marketing agencies and multinational firms. 

Basic Prospects for SEO professionals

The Given statistics clearly show the optimism associated with future jobs in SEO.
  • The North American search engine marketing industry’s projected value by the end of 2012 is nearly $23 billion, an increase of 19% over 2011. 
  • The report also provides a preliminary growth estimate for 2013 of approximately 17%.
The bright prospects for search professionals and the optimism surrounding their future is owing to two reasons. One, more customers are using search engines like Google to locate a new website. A research revealed the user behavior of customers in which people were given a task to perform on the Internet without being specified the exact website for the same.  88 percent of the customers used search engine for finding the website to get their task done and a majority of them has not even gone past the first page search results. 
According to the data released by Google Official History Com score the annual number of Google searches has increased from 1,722,071,000,000 in 2011 to 1,873,910,000,000, a phenomenal increase. 61% of global Internet users research products online (as per a report Interconnected World: Shopping and Personal Finance 2012). These statistics are in clear support of the optimism associated with future jobs in SEO.

Final Words

Marketing leaders are securing even bigger budgets to acquire new markets & attract, acquire and retain new customers. Overall marketing spending is rapidly shifting to digital marketing. According to the Gartner March 2013 Marketing survey, 2.5 % of annual revenue of the companies is dedicated to digital marketing operating budgets. The majority of the respondents said that they were spending a significant amount of their marketing budget (10% to 50%) on digital marketing initiatives which includes SEO.  In fact, around 20% of the companies said that they have incorporated digital marketing into each of their functions in marketing. This merging only highlights the rising importance of digital marketing, SEM and SEO particularly.
Posted by John Peter on 08:35 | No comments | Categories:
What is Search Engine Optimization(SEO)-Beginners Guide
Search Engine Optimization is basically a process of improving the Visibility of your online contents in various search engines. This Visibility can be done through different method but most affecting SEO is to get your website/Blog contents in search results via Natural or Unpaid (Organic/Algorithmic) tactics. In other word you can say Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a simple activity to ensure your Site/Blog availability in Search Engines for Keywords Or Phrases related to your contents searched by different Users. But do you know search engines focus Only  on Organic traffic received and On based on that it judge the ranking of your site/Blog in search Result. So, It's very important to Optimize your Contents via Organic method.Below we were sharing a pictorial chart on "How Search Engine Optimization Works ".

What is Search Engine Optimization(SEO)-Beginners Guide

Importance of SEO for Web-Publishers

Our main theme is Why SEO is so important while Publishing your Blog/Website contents. We hope our readers are well familiar with Various search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.. And also their search format. While trying to search any phrases or keywords in  search engines for instance " How to use Facebook"? Here we use Google as our search engine.
After entering this phrase you will see thousands of web results came across your Page within a second. And most Preferred way to judging any contents in Search according to their display rank, it means naturally we prefer Top to bottom sequence. If you consider top 5 results according to your preference then it does not mean that the rest thousand web results are useless and search engines display simply for occupying their rest result page, rather the ranking and position of any contents shows that the density of SEO friendly keywords used and also organic traffic received there. So search engine simply beautifies your blog contents for better search result and also for targeting Organic traffic as Every web publisher having desire to appear their contents on top of the Search result. On our Above screen shot we were trying to show why only top sites ranked while entering the phrase "How to use Facebook", But many other web publishers also shared their contents on this Topic but they are invisible from Google first appearance search result and may be their contents are well descriptive but still they are not appearing. So, this fault arises due to insufficient search engines targeting keywords as search engine robots crawl that keywords which stored in their database earlier. The use of Highly optimized keywords, original contents, optimizing images and also free from grammatical error can drive the Organic traffic to your post which helps a lot your site to maintain your ranking in search engines for a long time

Benefits of Better SEO

Here we are sharing the impacts of doing better search engine optimization as SEO tricks are not so complicated as you things its just free of cost but depends on How you are going to use for targeting huge organic traffic.If you got success in increasing your daily traffic which came through various search results then its going to give tremendous effects to Search engine marketing's.You can enroll in various online programs such as paid placement,paid inclusion,Contextual advertisements and many other tactics for generating revenue from your site.Here we are going to share most important benefits from better SEO:
  • You can boost up your Blog/Website ranking in search result for a long time.
  • Will get high brand Credibility as People trust Google as King of all search Engines.
  • With Better SEO you are going to increase your monthly revenue from your website as high traffic going to provide the best effect in PPC programs and also your brand are well publicized to Internet Marketing.
  • You are easily going to index out of 250 million websites which stand on on Internet platform.
  • Very helpful in increasing daily traffic which going to land on your website from various search engines.
Finally we came to end of this post which going to help many newbies who are still not aware of Search Engines Optimization and also about its Importance. In this article we were trying to give as much basic facts about Search listing of Google (search engine) and why many web publishers fail to rank their contents to top of the Search result. Soon we were going to share a series of post regarding search engine optimization techniques, this is just a beginners guide. Keep Visiting us

Posted by John Peter on 08:27 | 1 comment | Categories: , ,
How to Backup and Restore Your Blogger TemplateEvery Blogger have desire to implement some unique codes and Widgets in their template for Unique and well professional look.But still many of them are unaware of the fact "Why to back or Restore a Blogger template" before implementing any new HTML/CSS/Java Scripts.Today we are going to share why we always prefer Restoring of a Blogger Template before adding or changing its any codes.Actually the main problem arises when You are still a beginner and not well familiar with the Templates coding format.But you saw some tutorials on different blog where they request you to Edit your blogger template and implement some given Codes for appearance of your desired widget.But while editing the Template sometime due to some errors in Scripts/Codes their is a chance for crashing of your template and whole template layout may be damaged.At that instance if you don't have your Restored template in your Hard drive then it may suffer you a lot.

How to Backup Blogger Template

In the above paragraph we have already discussed why it's important to Backup Or Restore your Blogger template before Customization. Here we are going to provide some important steps which help you a lot while restoring your template especially newbies who are still unaware of Blogoshphere
  • Login in to Blogger Account and Select Your Blog where you want to go for further Customization.
  • Your Blogger Dashboard appears in front of you,where you have to select the Template
  • After Selecting it, A New page will appear where at Top right corner you will seeBackup/Restore button.
  • Click on that and Select Download full Template
  • You are Successfully Downloaded Template to your selected location on Hard drive.
How to Backup and Restore Your Blogger Template
Congratulations: You sucessfully Back up your template and now you can Implement your desired Codings or Java scripts without any hesitation.

How to Restore Blogger Template

Restoring a Blogger template means you are going to get the Original appearance which was yours before Crashing of  the Template Layout. Here we were sharing some tips how to Restore it back ??
  • Login in to Blogger Account and Select Your Blog where you want to go for further Customization.
  • Your Blogger Dashboard appears in front of you,where you have to select the Template
  • After Selecting it,A New page will appear where at Top right corner you will see Backup/Restore button.
  • Now select Choose File Button appear just below the Download Full Template.
  • Ensure the template file should be in .XML format before uploading else some error will come.

How to Backup and Restore Your Blogger Template
Congratulations: You successfully restore your template as well save effort still after crashing of your template layout Section.

Final Words:

At Last we Recommended you Some Tips regarding backup and Restoring of Blogger Template. Still you are mature enough in blogging or Newbies we always prefer to restore your template before Customization as no one knows when the problems arrive, so why to take a risk on your day night effort behind your template Designing. In our above tutorial we were trying to share how backup and restoring is very important for every blogger. Follow all the steps which listed above and feel secure enough in the blogosphere. Keep Visiting & Safe Blogging !!
Posted by John Peter on 07:49 | No comments | Categories: ,

How to Submit and Claim Your Blog To Technorati
Technorati is an Internet search engine for Searching Blogs.It was founded in November 2002 but at the end of June 2008 Technorati was indexing 12.8 million blogs and over 250 millions of tagged social media.It is one of the biggest Blog submission directory where you can claim your Blog with your little effort.As every web publisher has first priority to increase their Blog/Website traffic in a Organic way.Hence this Technorati Submission going to help them a lot who fails to increase their daily traffic density.Its not a matter you are getting good traffic from various search engines but submitting your blog to Technorati brings an additional effort to your successful blogging career as Almost every Webmaster/Bloggers submitted and claim successfully their website blog to Technorati for receiving some additional traffic apart from search engines and various social media.Today in this tutorial we are going to share why its so important to claim & Submit your Blog at Technorati.Before doing all steps which we going to mention below ensure you have a well description note about Blog/Site which have to apply it later.

Why we Submitted Blog at Technorati

There are some advantages when a Blogger successfully submits their Blog or Website to Technorati. Below we are going to mention some important points which force you to claim your website today at Technorati if you are still unaware of these facts.
  • Technorati and Google page rank work simultaneously it means if you have a good Technorati rank it means your Blog going to listed in top of Google search engine as well as it help you to increase your Blog page rank (PR) which is the most important factor for Judging a good website/Blog.
  • It helps you to increase your daily page views by giving some addition targeted traffic apart from various search engines and social media.
  • You can easily expand your blog readership and RSS subscribers as Good rank on Technorati can help advertisers and fellow bloggers to recognize a well professional blog.
  • It's going to show huge effect while Monetization of your blog as some Blog advertising networks take your Technorati rank for proper identification while paying some revenues.

How to Submit & Claim Your Blog

In the above paragraph we have already mentioned some important advantage while submitting a blog/Website at Technorati. Now here we are going to share how to Submit and claim a Blog/Website in easy way:
  • Go to Technorati Website and get Registered, In a case if you don't have your account there. Verify your email from mailing Inbox and Get sign in your Account.
How to Submit and Claim Your Blog To Technorati
  • After opening your registered account,At the bottom you can see an Option for "My Claimed Blogs", Enter your Blog/Website address in the box provided and the Hit Claim button.
    How to Submit and Claim Your Blog To Technorati

As soon you hit the Claim button, A new page will going to display where you have to fill all details About your site and it's compulsory for everyone.
After Submission your site description and details, now you will get a claim status message that we have recorded your claim details.So,Return back to your Main profile page.
How to Submit and Claim Your Blog To Technorati
Now after returning to your profile page, go to bottom last where you have to check your claiming details of your newly submitted Blog. Hit on Check Claim
After Checking your claimed Blog, You will see a Claim Status where it's written"Technorati will need to verify you are the author of the Blog". For that you have to put a Unique code which given for your blog and publish it with your new post as well as in an RSS feed too. After doing these all process click on Verify Claim Token.

Congratulation: You successfully Submitted & Claimed Your site on Technorati, Now it's time for Verification Process which going to done by Technorati Team. Keep Visiting your Email Inbox as soon your Blog/Website claimed successfully are going to receive a detailed message about your Verification.


Finally we are the end of this post and hope our tutorial is going to help you a lot. While publishing this content we care about newbies who still unaware of various social media and their link to the Blogosphere.Here we talk about Technorati various advantages while submitting a Blog and also we share a descriptive pictorial Guide.So,We always recommended some unique tips while driving  organic traffic to your Website/Blog.

Keep Visiting and Successful Blogging.
Posted by John Peter on 07:37 | No comments | Categories: ,
How To Add Twitter Follow Buttons To Blogger Blog
Twitter is one of the leading social networking site on the internet. So it is very important to take advantage of social media to promote your website or blog. In this post I'm going to explain how you can configure and add twitter follow button to your blogger blog to get more followers on twitter. Its very easy and with the help of the small video tutorial given below you can add your own twitter follow button to your blog within few minutes.You don't even need to log in into your twitter account just go to twitter buttons page then choose the style of button you want. Enter your username in the username field . After doing this you will get a html code to add this button to your blogger blog or website. Paste this code inside a html/java script inside your blog layout and save your settings. Withing no time you will see twitter follow button appearing on your blog. i hope this will help you.

Posted by John Peter on 03:57 | No comments | Categories: , ,
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